The SHARE project – Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Representing self-Employment – is a transdisciplinary and multi-method study on the ‘hybrid’ areas of work, with a particular focus on working arrangements that destabilise the employee/self-employed dichotomy. In particular, it takes the case of solo self-employed workers in Europe, considered emblematic of contemporary processes of individualisation, by mainly exploring spaces for collective agency, labour law regulations, and statistical representations.
Case studies
The study involves two main phases of data collection. The first one is carried out in six European countries: France, Germany, Italy, Slovakia, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. In the second one the focus shifts from cross-national comparison to the broader European context.
The project is carried out by the Principal Investigator and the Core Team – eight postdoctoral researchers and one assistant professor – based at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan.
Invited talks, organised conference panels, guest seminars, project events, and public engagement.
Publications, academic conferences, media outreach, and dissemination activities.