Borghi, P., Masikane F., Medappa K., Prentice R., Webster E. (2023) Platform Workers and the Gig Economy from Milan to Johannesburg to Bangalore –Podcast series ‘Workplace matters’ Part II (52 min. 37 sec.).
Borghi, P., Masikane F., Medappa K., Prentice R., Webster E. (2023) Platform Workers and the Gig Economy from Milan to Johannesburg to Bangalore – Podcast series ‘Workplace matters’ Part I (47 min. 32 sec.).
Soru, A., Murgia, A., Carini, G., Cavani, M. (2023) Sprofondare nel lavoro autonomo. Precarietà, ansia, immobilismo: la mobilitazione non può prescindere dalle storie personali [Falling into self-employment. Precariousness, anxiety, immobility: mobilisation cannot ignore personal stories]. Il Tascabile , sezione Società, 24 July.
Mezihorak, P. (2022) ‘Svoboda a nestabilita. S čím bojují mladí lidé v kultuře a kreativních profesích? ’ [Freedom and instability. What do young people in culture and creative professions struggle with?]. Interview for the Czech Radio Wave , 8 June.
Murgia, A. (2019) ‘Tra lavoro autonomo e lavoro dipendente. Comprendere, classificare e rappresentare le aree ibride del lavoro’ [Between employment and self-employment. Understanding, classifying and representing the hybrid areas of work]. Interview for the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 ore , 19 December.
Murgia, A. (2019) ‘Era di autonomi senza dipendenti’ [The age of the self-employed without employees]. Interview for the Italian newspaper Avvenire , 7 May.
Murgia, A. (2019) ‘Torno dal Regno Unito per capire come tutelare i lavoratori autonomi ’ [back from the UK to study how to protect the self-employed]. Storie di ricercatori #conFondazioneCariplo, 7 January.
Murgia, A. (2018) ‘SHARE: il progetto che studia le aree ‘ibride’ del mercato del lavoro ’ [SHARE: the project that studies the ‘hybrid’ areas of the labour market]. La Statale News, 12 December.
Murgia, A. (2018) ‘Bando European Research Council: intervista a Annalisa Murgia, vincitrice con il Progetto SHARE, “Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Re-presenting self-Employment” ’. Interview for SISEC , the Italian association of sociologists of work, organisations and economics, 7 May.
Murgia, A. (2018) Participation in the British Academy survey addressed to ERC grantees, December 2018.