Murgia, A. (2024) Invited speaker at the conference “Hoarding Opportunities: Entrepreneurship and Inequality”, with the contribution Entrepreneurship in the Platform Economy, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 26 September.
Bozzon, R. (2023) Invited speaker at the final conference of the project ANR WORKLIFE “Politics of Time. Nonstandard work schedules: experience and resistance”, with the contribution Work-Family Conflicts in the Hybrid Areas of Work. The case of self-employment in Europe, Ined – Institut National d’étude démographique, Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers, 12-13 October.
Murgia, A. (2023) Keynote speaker at the online event ‘Casualisation, Career and Precarity in Higher Education’, with the contribution Gender and Precarious Research Careers. European Sociological Association, 27 September 2023.
Murgia, A. (2023) Invited speaker at the Milano Arch Week, Working Session La condizione dei giovani collaboratori negli studi di architettura [The working conditions of young architects], organised by Unione lavoratrici e lavoratori in architettura, 8 June.
Murgia, A. (2023) Invited speaker at the UvA with the contribution Beyond Borders: Trans-organisational and Trans-national Alliances Among Gig Workers in the UK and Italy, interdisciplinary research institute AIAS-HSI, University of Amsterdam, 23 March.
Piro, PV. (2023) Invited speaker to give a lecture on Labour History at the Scuola di Mobilitazione Sindacale, Bologna, 7 February.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) Invited speaker at the seminar of the team ‘Regulations’ of PACTE, with the contribution Travail indépendant et formes d’action collective: une analyse sociologique des zones grises de l’emploi, PACTE, laboratoire de sciences sociales, Grenoble, 6 January.
Mezihorák, P. (2022) Invited speaker at the conference ‘Academy of Fine Arts Symposium 2022’ with the contribution Sebeorganizace pracujících (nejen) v kultuře a jejich autonomie [Self-organisation of workers (not only) in culture and their autonomy]. Academy of Fine Arts, Prague, 12 December.
Borghi, P. (2022) Invited speaker at the seminar ‘I freelance nell’economia digitale e della conoscenza. Condizioni di lavoro, bisogni di riconoscimento, dinamiche di rappresentanza e costruzione di comunità’ with the contribution La rappresentanza emergente dei nuovi autonomi. Potenzialità, contraddizioni e aspirazioni di I-Pros e freelance nel territorio Europeo.University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Reggio Emilia, 14 November.
Borghi, P. (2022) Invited speaker at the seminar ‘Economie alternative: esperienze e riflessioni teoriche’ with the contribution Indycube-Community: combinazioni imperfette di sindacalismo comunitario, coworking e cooperativismo. University of Salerno, Fisciano, 2-3 November.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2022) Invited speaker at the Journeé d’études “Les acteurs des relations professionalles face aux reprises et aux créations d’entreprises” with the contribution Passer de l’indépendance au salariat pour gagner en autonomie? La coopérative Smart en France, Allemagne et Italie. CNAM, Paris, 17 October.
Mezihorak P. (2022) Invited speaker at the conference ‘Culture Get-Together: conference on cultural cooperation’ with the contribution Self-organisation of cultural workers, Nová síť, Prague, 26 September.
Murgia, A. (2022) Invited speaker at the Conference ‘Ricerca sociale e azione sindacale: fra reciprocità e confronto’, IRES-CGIL Veneto, Venice, 7 June.
Piro, V. (2022) Invited speaker at the Seminar Cycle #Democratizing Work Webinar Series: The future of work in the Netherlands – Green, just, and democratic, or just the opposite?, webinar on ‘Labour precarity in the Netherlands’, with the contribution Independent, precarious, organized: forms of participation and mobilization of solo self-employed workers in the Netherlands, Global Forum on Democratizing Work, 4 April.
Murgia, A. (2022) Invited speaker at the Seminar Cycle ‘Neoliberalismo e trasformazioni sociali. La governamentalità algoritmica’ with the contribution: ‘Algorithmic management nelle piattaforme di food delivery: tra neo-taylorismo digitale e soggettività messa a valore’, University of Bologna, 3 March.
Borghi, P (2021) Invited speaker at the SPCR Seminar Cycle with the contribution: ‘Variable geometries of resistance in platform workers’ representation. A comparative study of France and Italy’, Middlesex University, London, 18 November.
Borghi, P (2021) Invited speaker in the webinar ‘Labor Studies 101: The Global Struggle for Platform Workers’ Rights Beyond Proposition 22’ with the contribution ‘Rights for riders. The struggles in the food delivery sector in Italy’, UCLA – Institute for Research on Labor & Employment, 27 May (the event was held online)
Murgia, A. (2021) Invited speaker to the discuss the Report Contingent and Slash Workers in Europe. An analysis of Eurostat Data by Anna Soru and Cristina Zanni (ACTA) at the final webinar of the project SWIRL – Slash Workers and Industrial ReLations, 11 May (the event was held online).
Borghi, P (2021) Invited speaker in the training course ‘Le discriminazioni: genere, età, opinioni personali, orientamento sessuale, disabilità e piattaforme digitali. Dall’inquadramento normativo alle azioni in giudizio’ with the contribution ‘Lavoratori di piattaforma e rappresentanza tra conflitto e tentativi di dialogo’, AGI Lombardia, 4 May (the event was held online).
Borghi, P. (2021) Invited speaker in the launch of the video promoting the book ‘Lavoro: la grande trasformazione. L’impatto sociale del cambiamento del lavoro tra evoluzioni storiche e propettive globali’, edited by E. Mingione, with the contribution ‘I nuovi professionisti indipendenti tra deficit di tutele e rappresentanza emergente’, Milan, Feltrinelli Foundation, 1 May (the event was held online).
Borghi, P. (2020) Invited speaker at the round table ‘Smart & Working’ with the contribution Lavoro autonomo e piattaforme digitali di intermediazione di lavoro, Feltrinelli Foundation, Milan, 22 October.
Murgia, R. (2020) Invited speaker at the seminar on Platform Capitalism organised by the Glasgow Law and Philosophy Network in the frame of the Adam Smith Lecture 2020, with the contribution ‘Representing platform workers in Europe. An ethnographic approach’, University of Glasgow, 1 June (the event was postponed until a later date).
Bozzon, R. (2020) Invited speaker at the seminars of the Department of Social and Polical Sciences, with the contribution ‘Il conflitto lavoro-famiglia nelle aree ibride del lavoro. Il caso del lavoro autonomo in Europa’ [The work-family conflict in the hybrid areas of work. The case of self-employment in Europe], University of Milan, 12 May (the event was postponed until a later date).
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2020) Invited speaker at the seminar of the LISE – Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Économique ‘Axe Travail’, with the contribution ‘Soutenir les freelance. Une étude comparative de formes d’organisations alternatives’ [Supporting freelancers: A comparative study of alternative organisational forms], CNAM, Paris, 24 April.
Mezihorak, P. (2020) Invited speaker and organisation of the joint conference with the Slovak Business Agency ‘Živnostníci, lidé ve svobodných povoláních a drobní podnikatelé na Slovensku: hlavní problémy a možná řešení [Tradesmen, liberal professions and micro-entrepreneurs in Slovakia: main problems and possible solutions], Bratislava, 6 May (the event was postponed until a later date).
Mezihorak, P. (2020) Invited speaker on the MA module ‘Labour Market and Employment’, with the contribution Hybrid Areas of Work Between Employment and Self-Employment, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Masaryk University, Brno, 7 April (the event was cancelled).
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2020) Invited speaker on the MA module Sociologie des relations professionnelles, with the contribution ‘ indé ‘solos’ et representation collective’ [Solo self-employed workers and collective representation], Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, 6 April (the event was held on-line).
Murgia, A., & Borghi, P. (2020) Invited speakers at the PhD Programme in Political science and sociology’ of the Scuola Normale Superiore, with the contribution Representing and organizing platform workers. A cross-national ethnography in France and Italy, Florence, 2 March (the event was held on-line).
Borghi, P. (2020) Invited speaker at the workshop ‘Quanto vale il lavoro? Salari, redditi, politiche fiscali e previdenza’ with the contribution Nuovi lavori, nuove pratiche di rappresentanza, Feltrinelli Foundation, Milan, 20 February.
Borghi, P., Murgia, A., & Pais, I. (2020) Invited speakers at the workshop ‘Modern Guide to Labour and the Platform Economy’, with the contribution High-skilled platform workers in Europe: Trends, working conditions and collective representation, ETUI – European Trade Union Institute, Brussels, 6-7 February.
Murgia, A. (2020) Discussant at the conference ‘Città al lavoro, lavoro delle città. Spazi produttivi, trasformazioni urbane e nuove resistenze nell’era del lavoro digitale’, University of Bologna, 17 January.
Murgia, A. (2019) Invited speaker at the conference ‘Works in progress. Il lavoro in prospettiva’, organised by ACTA – the Italian association of freelancers – in the frame of the European freelancers’ week, Milan, 25 October.
Murgia, A. (2019) Discussant in the seminar ‘New trade unions strategies for new forms of employment’ given by Nicola Countouris and Valerio De Stefano, Bocconi University, Milan, 18 October.
Mezihorak, P. (2019) Invited speaker at the Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Labour Studies, with the contribution Emerging fields of collective representations. The case of solo self-employment in the Netherlands, Italy and Slovakia, University of Amsterdam, 11 July.
Murgia, A. (2019) Invited speaker at the conference ‘Nuove soggettività e trasformazioni del lavoro’, with a contribution on the collective representation of platform workers, University of Perugia, 13-14 June.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2019) Invited speaker at the seminars of the Re:Work International Research Center, Humboldt University, with the contribution How to support solo self-employed workers? A comparative study of alternative organisational forms, Berlin, 28 May.
Murgia, A., & Borghi, P. (2019) Discussants in the seminar ‘Worldwide Workers’ given by Beverly J. Silver (Johns Hopkins University) and Susanna Camusso (Head of Gender and International Policies, CGIL), Fondazione Feltrinelli, Milan, 28 May.
Murgia, A. (2019) Invited speaker at the conference of Legacoop Lombardia, with a contribution on the emerging hybrid areas of work, Milan, 1 March.
Leonardi, D., Murga, A., & Armano E. (2019) Invited speakers at the conference ‘Prospettive critiche sul capitalismo contemporaneo’, with a contribution on the riders’ protests in Turin, University of Bologna, 21 February.
Murgia, A., & Borghi, P. (2019) Invited speakers at the conference ‘Lavoro Futuro’, V Agenquadri CGIL congress, Milan,16-17 January.
Mezihorak, P. (2018) Invited speaker at CELSI – Central European Labour Studies Institute, with the contribution ‘Seizing Hybrid Areas of Work’, Bratislava 17 December.
Murgia, A. (2018) Invited speaker at the intensive training ‘Platform economy, sharing and regulation’, with the contribution A subject-oriented approach to Platform Capitalism, School of Local Regulation, Turin, 21-23 November.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2018) Invited speaker at the seminar of the CEET – Employment and Labour Research Centre ‘Quelle organisation quand la subordination s’efface?’, with the contribution ‘Les formes d’organisation collective des indépendant.e.s solos’ [The forms of collective organisation of solo self-employed workers], CNAM, Paris, 20 November.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2018) Invited speaker at the MA module ‘Analyse du marché du travail et des mondes économiques’, with the contribution ‘Les politiques de l’emploi: perspectives européennes’ [Employment Policies: European Perspectives], Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, 13 November.
Bozzon, R., & Murgia, A. (2018) Invited speakers at the conference ‘The political consequences of inequality – Inequality, representation, participation’, with the contribution Gender differences in the labour market: Emerging inequalities in the hybrid areas of work, Florence, Istituto di Studi Avanzati ‘Carlo Azeglio Ciampi’, 25-26 October.
Borghi, P. (2018) Invited speakers at the conference ‘#Cresce – il CoLAP Cresce e Rilancia: Economia, Sviluppo, Competenza, Eccellenza’ organised by CoLAP – Coordinamento Libere Associazioni Professionali, with a contribution on the collective representation of solo self-employed workers, Milan, 25 October.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2018) Invited speaker at the seminar of the LISE – Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire pour la Sociologie Économique ‘Axe Travail’, with the contribution ‘Émergence de collectifs de solos et redéfinition des contours de l’entreprise’ [Rise solo self-employed workers’ collectives and redefinition of enterprise boundaries], CNAM, Paris, 19 October.
Borghi, P. (2018) Invited speaker at the conference organised by DOC Servizi, in the frame of the European freelancers’ week, Milan, 16 October.
Murgia, A., & Borghi, P. (2018) Invited speakers at the conference ‘Il lavoro è’, IX FISAC CGIL congress, Milan, 8-9 October.
Murgia, A. (2018) Invited speaker at the research workshop ‘Creative Work and the Digital Economy: Enabling EU Integration via Cross-national Creative Working between the EU, Russia and Australia’, with the contribution Neither Precarious nor Entrepreneur: The Social Construction of Hybrid Self-employed Careers, National University of Ireland, Dublin, 12-13 April.
Murgia, A. (2018) Invited speaker at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan, with the contribution ‘Oltre i discorsi su imprenditorialità e precarietà: Il divenire ibrido del lavoro autonomo’ [Beyond the discourses on entrepreneurship and precariousness: The becoming hybrid of self-employment], Milan, 2 March.
Murgia, A. (2017) Invited speaker at the conference ‘24 heures du travail: l’autonomie dans la solidarité, pourquoi et comment?’, with the contribution ‘Entreprenarisation et capitalisation du soi: Dispositifs d’extraction de la valeur dans les zones hybrides du travail’ [Entrepreneurship and Self-Capitalization: Value Extraction Devices in Hybrid Zones of Employment],, Brussels, 11-12 December.
Murgia, A. (2017) Invited speaker at the Winter School ‘On the collaborative economy. Learning from critical perspectives’. Opening lecture Platform Capitalism and the subjectivities of labour, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, 20-24 November.