Dambrosio Clementelli, A., Murgia, A. (2024) Migrant Domestic Platform Workers In Milan: Insights From An Everyday Life Perspective, 16th ESA Conference, Porto, 27-30 August.
Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2024) Understanding alliances with organisations of civil society and labour movement in platform workers’ representation, 40th EGOS Colloquium, MIlan, 4-6 July.
Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Dambrosio Clementelli, A. (2024) In/visible intersectional organising: The case of ‘Sindicat Helpling’ in Berlin, 40th EGOS Colloquium, University of Milano Bicocca, 4-6 July.
Borghi, P. (2024) Coercion, Consent and Conflict in the Labour Process and Beyond, International Labour Process Conference, University of Göttingen, 3-5 April.
Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Dambrosio Clementelli, A. (2024) Vecchie e nuove invisibilità nel lavoro domestico di piattaforma. Il caso di ‘Sindacat Helpling’ a Berlino [Old and new invisibilities in domestic platform work. The case of ‘Sindacat Helpling’ in Berlin], Session ‘Gender and power in professional and collective contexts’ within the conference ‘Anatomies of power in everyday life’, University of Parma, 17-20 January.
Bagnardi, F., Murgia, A. (2023) Making the most out of differences? The transnational representation of platform workers in the European Union, IREC Conference, University of Durham, 18-20 September.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) When invisibilised platform workers organise: The case of migrant workers in the cleaning sector, SASE 35th Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 20-22 July.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) Switching from self-employment to employment to enhance autonomy? The Smart cooperative in France, Germany and Italy, SASE 35th Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 20-22 July.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) Quelles formes d’action collective pour des travailleur·euses de plateforme invisibilisé·es ? Le cas des travailleur·euses migrant·es du secteur du nettoyage, 10ème Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie, Lyon, 3-7 July.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) Comment articuler autonomie et solidarité ? Le cas de la coopérative Smart en France, Allemagne et Italie, 10ème Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie, Lyon, 3-7 July.
Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A. (2023) In/visible Intersectional Organising: The case of ‘Sindicat Helpling’ in Berlin, Conference on Global Perspectives on Platforms, Labor & Social Reproduction, Session ‘Gig Worker Resistance Around the Globe’, Amsterdam, 27-28 June.
Borghi, P. (2023) Democratizing Platform Work from Below, International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, 12-14 April.
Bottalico, A., Murgia, A. (2023) United we stand, divided we fall. Mobilising for fair and decent work in the Italian publishing industry, International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, 12-14 April.
Bozzon, R., Martinelli, F., Murgia, A. (2023) Is there a European ‘great resignation’? The case of art and entertainment workers in Italy, International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, 12-14 April.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) When migrant platform workers of the cleaning sector organise: Social media as a tool of resistance for invisible workers, International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, 12-14 April.
Bagnardi, F., Maccarrone, V. (2023) New directions in Labour Process Theory: A critical review, SISEC conference, University of Brescia, 8-11 February.
Borghi, P. (2023) Democratizing Platform Work from Below, SISEC conference, University of Brescia, 8-11 February.
Piro, V., Murgia, A. (2022) Hybrid forms of workers organising: The combination of coalition building and open conflict in the Netherlands, SASE Annual Meeting, University of Amsterdam, 9-11 July.
Pitts, FH, Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2022) An imperfect institutional experiment for the self-employed? Combining coworking, community unionism and cooperativism across contexts, 38th EGOS Colloquium, University of Vienna, 5-9 July.
Bozzon R. (2022) Job satisfaction in the hybrid areas of work. The case of self-employed workers, ECSR Annual Conference, Amsterdam 6-8 July.
Pitts, FH, Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2022) An imperfect institutional experiment for the self-employed? Combining coworking, community unionism and cooperativism across contexts, BUIRA Annual Conference ‘Why Employment Relations Matter(s) for Democratizing Work’, University of Birmingham, 28-30 June.
Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A. (2022) Social media as a tool of resistance: A case study on a digital labour platform for cleaning services, 11th European Feminist Research Conference: Social change in a feminist perspective, University of Milano Bicocca, 15-18 June.
Bozzon R. (2022) Job satisfaction in hybrid areas of work. A focus on involuntariness and forms of dependency among the self-employed in Europe, SISEC conference ‘Il lavoro della transizione. Tecnologia, politiche ed ecologia del lavoro nel XXI secolo’, University of Bologna, 8-11 June.
Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2022) Rappresentanza collettiva e capitalismo di piattaforma. Significati e sfide, Conference ‘Per una Sociologia di Posizione. Politica, Diritti, Culture’, Rome, 20-22 May.
Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Borghi, P., Piro, V., Mezihorak, P., Bozzon, B., Di Gennaro, P. (2022) When work stops, but workers mobilise. The case of Syndicat National des Artistes Plasticiens during the pandemic, International Labour Process Conference, Padua, 21-23 April.
Bottalico, A., Murgia, A. (2022) Emerging forms of collective representation. The case of RedActa, International Labour Process Conference, Padua, 21-23 April.
Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2021) Claiming rights by building forms of solidarity. Cross-sectoral, cross-organisational, and cross-border practices of food delivery riders, ASMI conference, London, 3-4 December.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2021) Construire des formes de solidarité entre travailleur·ses isolé.es: une comparaison européenne des coopératives Smart, 17th Journées internationales de sociologie du travail (JIST), Lausanne, 8-12 November.
Armano, E., Morini, C., Murgia, A. (2021) Precariousness, subjectivity, and resistance. A Subject-oriented Approach, Conference ‘Forging New Solidarities: Networks of (Academic) Activism’ organised by RINGS – The International Research Association of Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies, Central European University, 25-26 October.
Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Bottalico, A. (2021) Different systems, but similar forms of organising. Emerging freelancer cooperatives in Europe, 15th ESA Conference, Barcelona, 31 August – 3 September.
Borghi, P., & Murgia, A. (2021) Beyond borders: Trans-sectoral, trans-organisational and trans-national solidarities among gig workers in Italy and the UK, BUIRA Conference, University of Manchester, 13-15 July (the event was held online).
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2021) Un syndicat d’indépendant·es dans une organisation de défense des salarié·es : le cas du Syndicat national des artistes plasticiens de la CGT, 9ème Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie (AFS), Lille, 6-9 July.
Mezihora, P., & Murgia, A. (2021) Between resentment and resistance: Whistleblowing as a politico-legal tool against bogus self-employment, 37th EGOS Colloquium, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), 8-10 July (the event was held online).
Mondon-Navazo, M. & Murgia, A. (2021) Is COVID-19 exacerbating precarious work? Self-employed artists and their practices of organising, 31st SASE Annual Meeting, 2-5 July (the event was held online).
Digennaro, P. (2021) Redefying the concepts of worker and undertaking in the EU legal framework, LLRN5 Conference, Warsaw, 27-29 June (the event was held online).
Mezihorak, P. (2021) Ani zaměstnanec, ani podnikatel: problém reprezentace samozaměstnavatelů [Neither employee, nor entrepreneur: problem with representation of solo self-employed], Czech Sociological Association Conference, 23-25 June (the event was held online).
Bozzon, R., Digennaro, P., & Murgia, A. (2021) Labour law and labour statistics: A transdisciplinary dialogue to identify hybrid areas of work, ILERA World Congress, Lund, 21–24 June (the event was held online).
Borghi, P (2021) Collectively organising the self-employed through platform cooperatives: A comparative study of alternative organisations in Belgium and the UK, SISEC Conference, University of Catania, 9-12 June (the event was held online).
Digennaro, P. (2021) Subordination, self-employment and hybrid area. A comparison among six different European legal systems, Conference ‘Beyond Employment. Protecting Autonomous Work’, Modena, 16-19 March (the event was held online).
Murgia, A., & de Heusch, S. (2020) ‘It started with the artists and now it concerns everyone’: The case of Smart, a cooperative of ‘salaried autonomous workers’, 13th biennial ‘Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, 28-31 July, Lisbon (the event was postponed until a later date).
Bozzon, R., & Murgia, A. (2020) Representing the Hybrid Areas of Work in Europe: The Case of Self-Employment in the Official Statistics, 30th SASE Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, 18-20 July.
Mezihorak, P., & Murgia, A. (2020) Collective Representation and Individual Autonomy: The Case of Solo Self-Employed Workers’ Associations, 30th SASE Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, 18-21 July (the event was held on-line).
Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A. & de Heusch, S. (2020) Emerging Forms of Solidarity Against Precarisation. The Case of SMart: A Cooperative of ‘Salaried Autonomous Workers’, 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hamburg, 2-4 July (the event was held on-line).
Bozzon, R., & Murgia, A. (2020) Subjective Wellbeing in the Hybrid Areas of Work: The Case of Self-employed Workers, ECSR Annual General Conference 2020, Amsterdam, 1-3 July (the event was cancelled).
Digennaro, P. (2020) The concept of worker in the European Union and its consequences, 10th International Labour and Employment Relations Association, Regional Congress for the Americas, Toronto, 24-27 June (the event was held on-line)
Mondon-Navazo, M., Mezihorak, P., Murgia, A., Borghi, P., Bozzon, R., & Digennaro, P. (2020) A ‘slow comparative approach’ to collective representation: The case of solo self-employment in the Netherlands, Italy and Slovakia, Conference on Ethnography and Qualitative Research, Bergamo, 4-6 June (the event was postponed until a later date).
Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2020) Participation in the online Ethnography Circle Session “Help! My field-site has evaporated, what do I do now?”, 30 April, IKON Research Unit, University of Warwick.
Borghi, P., Pitts, H., & Murgia, A. (2020) Collectively organising the self-employed through platform cooperatives. A comparative study of alternative organisations in Belgium and the UK, International Labour Process Conference, Newcastle, 15-17 April (the event was postponed until a later date).
Leonardi, D., Murgia, A., & Armano, E. (2020) Digital platforms and the resistance of precarious subjectivity. The co-research in the mobilisation of Foodora’s freelancers, International symposium ‘Criticism of the Automatic Reason. Stupidity and intelligence of the digitalization of the world’, Paris, 26-28 March (the event was postponed until a later date).
Bozzon, R., Murgia, A., Digennaro, P., Borghi, P., Mondon-Navazo, M., & Mezihorak, P. (2020) Il conflitto lavoro-famiglia nelle aree ibride del lavoro. Il caso del lavoro autonomo in Europa [The work-family conflict in the hybrid areas of work. The case of self-employment in Europe], national conference ‘Genere e R-esistenze in Movimento: Soggettività, Azioni, Prospettive’, Trento, 31 January – 1 February.
Borghi, P., Murgia, A., Mezihorak, P., Mondon-Navazo, M., Bozzon, R., & Digennaro, P. (2019) Representing Platform Workers in Italy and France. The last challenge for the IR, 14th ESA Conference, Manchester, 20-23 August.
Mondon-Navazo, M. (2019) Concilier activité autonome et salariat: une étude comparative d’organisations alternatives [Combining self-employment and wage-employment: a comparative study of alternative organisations], Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie, Aix en Provence, 27-30 August.
Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Borghi, P., & Mezihorak, P. (2019) How to support solo self-employed workers? A comparative study of alternative organisational forms, 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, 4-6 July.
Leonardi, D., Murgia, A., Armano, E., & Briziarelli, M. (2019) The Ambivalence of Connectivity in the Platform Economy. a Co-Research with Foodora Riders, 29th SASE Annual Meeting, New York, 27-29 June.
Bozzon, R., & Murgia, A. (2019) Work-life conflict in the hybrid areas of work. The case of solo self-employed workers in Europe, 29th SASE Annual Meeting, New York, 27-29 June.
Mezihorak, P., Murgia, A., Mondon-Navazo, M., & Borghi, P. (2019) Emerging fields of collective representations. The case of solo self-employment in France, Italy, Slovakia, International Labour Process Conference, Vienna, 24-26 April.
Murgia, A., & Pulignano, V. (2018) Emerging Hybrid Areas of Work in Italy: Blurring Boundaries between Self-Employment and Dependent Employment, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, 15-21 July.
Murgia, A., & de Heusch, S. (2018) Organizing non-standard working trajectories. The Case of Smart, a cooperative of autonomous workers, 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallin, 4-7 July.
Murgia, A. (2017) Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Re-presenting self-Employment, 13th Annual Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, 29 August – 1 September.