
  • Dambrosio Clementelli, A., Murgia, A. (2024) Migrant Domestic Platform Workers In Milan: Insights From An Everyday Life Perspective, 16th ESA Conference, Porto, 27-30 August.
  • Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2024) Understanding alliances with organisations of civil society and labour movement in platform workers’ representation, 40th EGOS Colloquium, MIlan, 4-6 July.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Dambrosio Clementelli, A. (2024) In/visible intersectional organising: The case of ‘Sindicat Helpling’ in Berlin, 40th EGOS Colloquium, University of Milano Bicocca, 4-6 July.
  • Borghi, P. (2024) Coercion, Consent and Conflict in the Labour Process and Beyond, International Labour Process Conference, University of Göttingen, 3-5 April.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Dambrosio Clementelli, A. (2024) Vecchie e nuove invisibilità nel lavoro domestico di piattaforma. Il caso di ‘Sindacat Helpling’ a Berlino [Old and new invisibilities in domestic platform work. The case of ‘Sindacat Helpling’ in Berlin], Session ‘Gender and power in professional and collective contexts’ within the conference ‘Anatomies of power in everyday life’, University of Parma, 17-20 January.
  • Bagnardi, F., Murgia, A. (2023) Making the most out of differences? The transnational representation of platform workers in the European Union, IREC Conference, University of Durham, 18-20 September.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) When invisibilised platform workers organise: The case of migrant workers in the cleaning sector, SASE 35th Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 20-22 July.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) Switching from self-employment to employment to enhance autonomy? The Smart cooperative in France, Germany and Italy, SASE 35th Annual Meeting, Rio de Janeiro, 20-22 July.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) Quelles formes d’action collective pour des travailleur·euses de plateforme invisibilisé·es ? Le cas des travailleur·euses migrant·es du secteur du nettoyage, 10ème Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie, Lyon, 3-7 July.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) Comment articuler autonomie et solidarité ? Le cas de la coopérative Smart en France, Allemagne et Italie, 10ème Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie, Lyon, 3-7 July.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A. (2023) In/visible Intersectional Organising: The case of ‘Sindicat Helpling’ in Berlin, Conference on Global Perspectives on Platforms, Labor & Social Reproduction, Session ‘Gig Worker Resistance Around the Globe’, Amsterdam, 27-28 June.
  • Borghi, P. (2023) Democratizing Platform Work from Below, International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, 12-14 April.
  • Bottalico, A., Murgia, A. (2023) United we stand, divided we fall. Mobilising for fair and decent work in the Italian publishing industry, International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, 12-14 April.
  • Bozzon, R., Martinelli, F., Murgia, A. (2023) Is there a European ‘great resignation’? The case of art and entertainment workers in Italy, International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, 12-14 April.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) When migrant platform workers of the cleaning sector organise: Social media as a tool of resistance for invisible workers, International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, 12-14 April.
  • Bagnardi, F., Maccarrone, V. (2023) New directions in Labour Process Theory: A critical review, SISEC conference, University of Brescia, 8-11 February.
  • Borghi, P. (2023) Democratizing Platform Work from Below, SISEC conference, University of Brescia, 8-11 February.
  • Piro, V., Murgia, A. (2022) Hybrid forms of workers organising: The combination of coalition building and open conflict in the Netherlands, SASE Annual Meeting, University of Amsterdam, 9-11 July.
  • Pitts, FH, Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2022) An imperfect institutional experiment for the self-employed? Combining coworking, community unionism and cooperativism across contexts, 38th EGOS Colloquium, University of Vienna, 5-9 July.
  • Bozzon R. (2022) Job satisfaction in the hybrid areas of work. The case of self-employed workers, ECSR Annual Conference, Amsterdam 6-8 July.
  • Pitts, FH, Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2022) An imperfect institutional experiment for the self-employed? Combining coworking, community unionism and cooperativism across contexts, BUIRA Annual Conference ‘Why Employment Relations Matter(s) for Democratizing Work’, University of Birmingham, 28-30 June.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A. (2022) Social media as a tool of resistance: A case study on a digital labour platform for cleaning services, 11th European Feminist Research Conference: Social change in a feminist perspective, University of Milano Bicocca, 15-18 June.
  • Bozzon R. (2022) Job satisfaction in hybrid areas of work. A focus on involuntariness and forms of dependency among the self-employed in Europe, SISEC conference ‘Il lavoro della transizione. Tecnologia, politiche ed ecologia del lavoro nel XXI secolo’, University of Bologna, 8-11 June.
  • Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2022) Rappresentanza collettiva e capitalismo di piattaforma. Significati e sfide, Conference ‘Per una Sociologia di Posizione. Politica, Diritti, Culture’, Rome, 20-22 May.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Borghi, P., Piro, V., Mezihorak, P., Bozzon, B., Di Gennaro, P. (2022) When work stops, but workers mobilise. The case of Syndicat National des Artistes Plasticiens during the pandemic, International Labour Process Conference, Padua, 21-23 April.
  • Bottalico, A., Murgia, A. (2022) Emerging forms of collective representation. The case of RedActa, International Labour Process Conference, Padua, 21-23 April.
  • Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2021) Claiming rights by building forms of solidarity. Cross-sectoral, cross-organisational, and cross-border practices of food delivery riders, ASMI conference, London, 3-4 December.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M. (2021) Construire des formes de solidarité entre travailleur·ses isolé.es: une comparaison européenne des coopératives Smart, 17th Journées internationales de sociologie du travail (JIST), Lausanne, 8-12 November.
  • Armano, E., Morini, C., Murgia, A. (2021) Precariousness, subjectivity, and resistance. A Subject-oriented Approach, Conference ‘Forging New Solidarities: Networks of (Academic) Activism’ organised by RINGS – The International Research Association of Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies, Central European University, 25-26 October.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Bottalico, A. (2021) Different systems, but similar forms of organising. Emerging freelancer cooperatives in Europe, 15th ESA Conference, Barcelona, 31 August – 3 September.
  • Borghi, P., & Murgia, A. (2021) Beyond borders: Trans-sectoral, trans-organisational and trans-national solidarities among gig workers in Italy and the UK, BUIRA Conference, University of Manchester, 13-15 July (the event was held online).
  • Mondon-Navazo, M. (2021) Un syndicat d’indépendant·es dans une organisation de défense des salarié·es : le cas du Syndicat national des artistes plasticiens de la CGT,  9ème Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie (AFS), Lille, 6-9 July.
  • Mezihora, P., & Murgia, A. (2021) Between resentment and resistance: Whistleblowing as a politico-legal tool against bogus self-employment, 37th EGOS Colloquium, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), 8-10 July  (the event was held online).
  • Mondon-Navazo, M. & Murgia, A. (2021) Is COVID-19 exacerbating precarious work? Self-employed artists and their practices of organising, 31st SASE Annual Meeting, 2-5 July (the event was held online).
  • Digennaro, P. (2021) Redefying the concepts of worker and undertaking in the EU legal framework, LLRN5 Conference, Warsaw, 27-29 June (the event was held online).
  •  Mezihorak, P. (2021) Ani zaměstnanec, ani podnikatel: problém reprezentace samozaměstnavatelů [Neither employee, nor entrepreneur: problem with representation of solo self-employed], Czech Sociological Association Conference, 23-25 June (the event was held online).
  • Bozzon, R., Digennaro, P., & Murgia, A. (2021) Labour law and labour statistics: A transdisciplinary dialogue to identify hybrid areas of work, ILERA World Congress, Lund, 21–24 June  (the event was held online).
  • Borghi, P (2021) Collectively organising the self-employed through platform cooperatives: A comparative study of alternative organisations in Belgium and the UK, SISEC Conference, University of Catania, 9-12 June  (the event was held online).
  • Digennaro, P. (2021) Subordination, self-employment and hybrid area. A comparison among six different European legal systems, Conference ‘Beyond Employment. Protecting Autonomous Work’, Modena, 16-19 March (the event was held online).
  • Murgia, A., & de Heusch, S. (2020) ‘It started with the artists and now it concerns everyone’: The case of Smart, a cooperative of ‘salaried autonomous workers’, 13th biennial ‘Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, 28-31 July, Lisbon (the event was postponed until a later date)
  • Bozzon, R., & Murgia, A. (2020) Representing the Hybrid Areas of Work in Europe: The Case of Self-Employment in the Official Statistics, 30th SASE Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, 18-20 July.
  • Mezihorak, P., & Murgia, A.  (2020) Collective Representation and Individual Autonomy: The Case of Solo Self-Employed Workers’ Associations, 30th SASE Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, 18-21 July (the event was held on-line).
  • Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A. & de Heusch, S. (2020) Emerging Forms of Solidarity Against Precarisation. The Case of SMart: A Cooperative of ‘Salaried Autonomous Workers’, 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hamburg, 2-4 July (the event was held on-line).
  • Bozzon, R., & Murgia, A. (2020) Subjective Wellbeing in the Hybrid Areas of Work: The Case of Self-employed Workers, ECSR Annual General Conference 2020, Amsterdam, 1-3 July (the event was cancelled).
  • Digennaro, P. (2020) The concept of worker in the European Union and its consequences, 10th International Labour and Employment Relations Association, Regional Congress for the Americas, Toronto, 24-27 June (the event was held on-line)
  • Mondon-Navazo, M., Mezihorak, P., Murgia, A., Borghi, P., Bozzon, R., & Digennaro, P. (2020) A ‘slow comparative approach’ to collective representation: The case of solo self-employment in the Netherlands, Italy and Slovakia, Conference on Ethnography and Qualitative Research, Bergamo, 4-6 June (the event was postponed until a later date).
  • Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2020) Participation in the online Ethnography Circle Session “Help! My field-site has evaporated, what do I do now?”, 30 April, IKON Research Unit, University of Warwick.
  • Borghi, P., Pitts, H., & Murgia, A. (2020) Collectively organising the self-employed through platform cooperatives. A comparative study of alternative organisations in Belgium and the UK, International Labour Process Conference, Newcastle, 15-17 April (the event was postponed until a later date).
  • Leonardi, D., Murgia, A., & Armano, E. (2020) Digital platforms and the resistance of precarious subjectivity. The co-research in the mobilisation of Foodora’s freelancers, International symposium ‘Criticism of the Automatic Reason. Stupidity and intelligence of the digitalization of the world’, Paris, 26-28 March  (the event was postponed until a later date).
  • Bozzon, R., Murgia, A., Digennaro, P., Borghi, P., Mondon-Navazo, M., & Mezihorak, P. (2020) Il conflitto lavoro-famiglia nelle aree ibride del lavoro. Il caso del lavoro autonomo in Europa [The work-family conflict in the hybrid areas of work. The case of self-employment in Europe], national conference ‘Genere e R-esistenze in Movimento: Soggettività, Azioni, Prospettive’, Trento, 31 January – 1 February.
  • Borghi, P., Murgia, A., Mezihorak, P., Mondon-Navazo, M., Bozzon, R., & Digennaro, P. (2019) Representing Platform Workers in Italy and France. The last challenge for the IR, 14th ESA Conference, Manchester, 20-23 August.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M. (2019) Concilier activité autonome et salariat: une étude comparative d’organisations alternatives [Combining self-employment and wage-employment: a comparative study of alternative organisations], Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie, Aix en Provence, 27-30 August.
  • Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Borghi, P., & Mezihorak, P. (2019) How to support solo self-employed workers? A comparative study of alternative organisational forms, 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, 4-6 July.
  • Leonardi, D., Murgia, A., Armano, E., & Briziarelli, M. (2019) The Ambivalence of Connectivity in the Platform Economy. a Co-Research with Foodora Riders, 29th SASE Annual Meeting, New York, 27-29 June.
  • Bozzon, R., & Murgia, A. (2019) Work-life conflict in the hybrid areas of work. The case of solo self-employed workers in Europe, 29th SASE Annual Meeting, New York, 27-29 June.
  • Mezihorak, P., Murgia, A., Mondon-Navazo, M., & Borghi, P. (2019) Emerging fields of collective representations. The case of solo self-employment in France, Italy, Slovakia, International Labour Process Conference, Vienna, 24-26 April.
  • Murgia, A., & Pulignano, V. (2018) Emerging Hybrid Areas of Work in Italy: Blurring Boundaries between Self-Employment and Dependent Employment, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, 15-21 July.
  • Murgia, A., & de Heusch, S. (2018) Organizing non-standard working trajectories. The Case of Smart, a cooperative of autonomous workers, 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallin, 4-7 July.
  • Murgia, A. (2017) Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Re-presenting self-Employment, 13th Annual Conference of the European Sociological Association, Athens, 29 August – 1 September.