Peticca-Harris, A., Rodriguez J. K., & Murgia, A. (2027) Special Issue ‘Methodological Frontiers for Intersectional Theorizing: Advancing Qualitative Approaches for Research in Labour and Organizations ’ . Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management , ongoing.
Peticca-Harris, A., Murgia, A., Alberti, G., & Ivancheva, M. (2025) Special Issue ‘Intersectionality and precarious subjectivities: within and beyond labour and organizational perspectives’ . Organization , ongoing.
Piro, V., & Murgia, A. (2024, OnlineFirst) Dissenting and innovating: Freelancers’ emerging forms of organising in the Netherlands , Current Sociology .
Borghi, P., & Murgia, A. (2024) Beyond Borders: Trans-organisational and Trans-national Alliances Among Gig Workers in the UK and Italy , Journal of Industrial Relations , 66(3), 410-433.
Bottalico, A., Murgia, A. (2024) “We Have Two Engines, and We Must Keep Them Both Running”: The Combination of Institutional and Symbolic Resources in the “Socio-Emotional Organizing” of Solo Self-Employed Workers , Journal of Contemporary Ethnography , 53(5), 689-720.
Mezihorak, P., & Murgia, A. (2024) From resentment to deconstruction: Whistleblowing as a politico-legal tool of labour law enforcement , Economic and Industrial Democracy , 45(2), 511-529.
Mezihorak, P., & Murgia, A. (2024) The collective representation of solo self-employed workers in Europe as an outcome of relations between traditional and new collective actors. A focus on the Netherlands, Italy, and Slovakia . In W. Conen, E. Reuter (eds.) Research Handbook on Self-Employment and Public Policy . Cheltenham: Elgar.
Mondon-Navazo, M., & Murgia, A. (2024) From exception to pioneering: Insights on combining professional autonomy and social rights from the Syndicat National des Artistes Plasticien·nes , Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales , 42(1), 73-87.
Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., & de Heusch, S. (2024) Re-articulating Autonomy and Solidarity. The Case of Smart: The Largest European Network of Freelance Cooperatives , Partecipazione e Conflitto , 17(1), 210-228.
Carollo, L., Dorigatti, L., Murgia, A., Parker, S., & Steger, T. (2023) Special Issue ‘Still in Search of Organizational Democracy: Exploring New Opportunities and Constraints ’ Studi Organizzativi , 2, 7-23.
Armano, E., Morini, C., & Murgia, A. (2023) Pour une ontologie précaire. Une approche orientée vers la subjectivité , Les Cahiers du GRM , 21.
Armano, E., Leonardi, D., Murgia, A. (2023) Algorithmic management nelle piattaforme di food delivery: tra neo-taylorismo digitale e soggettività messa a valore , in M. Pirone (ed.) Ultimo miglio. Lavoro di piattaforma e conflitti urbani, Milano, Feltrinelli, pp. 97-111.
Borghi, P. (2023) The promises of the sharing economy and the dark side of platform capitalism. Challenges and opportunities for workers’ representation , Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia , 64(2), 397-408.
Bottalico. A. (2023) On hybrid labour trajectories. A conversation with Sergio Bologna , Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia , 64(2), 375-396.
Bozzon, R. (2023) To what extent are the self-employed satisfied? A focus on involuntariness and forms of dependency in Europe , Sociologia del Lavoro , 165, 201-223.
Digennaro, P. (2023) La pandemia de COVID-19, sus efectos en los sistemas labo rales y jurídicos y, en particular, en el caso de Italia [The COVID-19 pandemic, its effects on labour and legal systems and, in particular, on the case of Italy], in L. Mendoza (ed.) Derecho del trabajo: actualidad y proyección. Ensayos desde la pospandemia , Asociación Civil Derecho y Sociedad.
Mezihorak, P., Murgia, A., Borghi, P., & Mondon-Navazo, M. (2023) Representing Solo Self-Employed Workers: The Strengthening of Relations between Traditional and New Collective Actors in Industrial Relations . Work, Employment and Society , 37(4), 1013-1031.
Piro, V., Murgia, A., & Azaïs, C. (2023) Hybrid areas of labour. Challenging traditional dichotomies to represent work, workers, and working trajectories , Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia , 64(2), 165-182.
Pitts, F.H., Borghi, P., & Murgia, A. (2023) Organising the self-employed: combining community unionism coworking and cooperativism across contexts , Open Research Europe , 3, 80.
Armano, E., Leonardi, D., Murgia, A. (2022) Algorithmic Management in Food Delivery Platforms: Between Digital Neo-Taylorism and Enhanced Subjectivity . In E. Risi, M. Briziarelli, E. Armano (eds.) Digital Platforms and Algorithmic Subjectivities. Westminster University Press, Critical Digital and Social Media Studies bookseries.
Armano, E., Morini, C., & Murgia, A. (2022) Conceptualising Precariousness. A Subject-oriented Approach , in J. Choonara et al. (eds.) Faces of Precarity. Critical Approaches to Precarity: Work, Subjectivities and Movements , Bristol University Press.
Borghi, P., & Murgia, A. (2022) Struggling for alternative social imaginaries. A focus on Italian organisations representing food delivery platform workers . Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa , 15 (2), 279-303.
Bottalico, A., & Murgia, A. (2022) Posizionamenti liminali tra autonomia e dipendenza. Il caso del settore bancario e assicurativo , Studi organizzativi , 2, 35-69.
Bozzon, R., & Murgia, A. (2022) Independent or Dependent? European Labour Statistics and Their (In)ability to Identify Forms of Dependency in Self-employment . Social Indicators Research , 160(1), 199-226.
Bozzon, R., & Murgia, A. (2022) Subjective work-family conflicts: the challenge of studying self-employed workers . In S. Bertolini, B. Poggio (eds.) Research Handbook on Work–Life Balance Emerging Issues and Methodological Challenges . Cheltenham: Elgar.
Choonara, J., Murgia, A., & do Carmo, R. (eds.) (2022) Introduction: Critical Perspectives on Precarity and Precariousness , in J. Choonara et al. (eds.) Faces of Precarity. Critical Perspectives on Work, Subjectivities and Struggles , Bristol University Press.
Choonara, J., Murgia, A., & do Carmo, R. (eds.) (2022) Afterword: A Pandemic of Precarity , in J. Choonara et al. (eds.) Faces of Precarity. Critical Perspectives on Work, Subjectivities and Struggles , Bristol University Press.
Digennaro P. (2022), The Effects of Neoliberalism in European Labour Law: The meaning of labour and the need for a different constitutional compromise . European Labour Law Journal , 13(2), 249-272.
Fleischmann, A., Holck, L., Liu, H., Muhr, S. L., & Murgia, A. (2022) Organizing solidarity in difference: Challenges, achievements, and emerging imaginaries . Organization , 29 (2), 233–246.
Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., Borghi, P., & Mezihorak, P. (2022) In search for alternatives for individualised workers: a comparative study of freelance organisations . Organization , 29(4), 736–756.
Bigi, M., Clouet, H., Mondon-Navazo, M., Noûs, C. (2021) Des conditions d’enquête aux conditions d’emploi. Le travail de sociologue en temps de confinement . Mondes du Travail , 26, 83-98.
Borghi, P. (2021) Self-employed and non-standard workforce collective identities in Italy and the United Kingdom: A comparative perspective on discourses of new collective actors . Social Policies , 8(1), 99-118.
Borghi, P., Murgia, A., Mondon-Navazo, M., & Mezihorak, P. (2021) Mind the gap between discourses and practices: Platform workers’ representation in France and Italy . European Journal of Industrial Relations , 27(4), 425-443.
Bozzon, R. (2021) Insicurezza lavorativa e transizioni familiari. Generi e generazioni a confronto . Milano: Ledizioni
Bozzon, R., & Murgia, A. (2021) Work-Family Conflict in Europe. A focus on the Heterogeneity of Self-employment , Community, Work & Family , 24(1), 93-113.
Cozza, M., Gherardi, S., Graziano, V., Johansson, J., Mondon-Navazo, M., Murgia, A., & Trogal, K. (2021) Covid-19 as a breakdown in the texture of social practices , Gender, Work & Organization , 28(1), 190-208.
Murgia, A., & Pulignano, V. (2021) Neither precarious nor entrepreneur: The subjective experience of hybrid self-employed workers , Economic and Industrial Democracy , 42(4), 1351-1377.
Pais, I., Borghi, P., Murgia, A. (2021) High-skilled platform jobs in Europe: Trends, quality of work and emerging challenges . Sociologia del lavoro , 160, 203-223.
Armano, E., Leonardi, D., & Murgia, A. (2020) L’ambivalenza della connettività dentro la macchina digitale. Una conricerca su soggettività e resistenza nel lavoro di piattaforma . In L’enigma del valore. Il digital labour e la nuova rivoluzione tecnologica. I libri di Effimera #03.
Borghi, P. (2020) I nuovi professionisti indipendenti tra deficit di tutele e rappresentanza emergente . In Mingione, E. (ed). Lavoro: la grande trasformazione. L’impatto sociale del cambiamento del lavoro tra evoluzioni storiche e prospettive globali. Milano: Feltrinelli.
Bozzon R. (2020) Il conflitto lavoro-famiglia nelle aree ibride del lavoro. Il caso del lavoro autonomo in Europa , in Coppola M. M., Donà A., Poggio B., Tuselli A (eds). Genere e r-esistenze in movimento, soggettività, azioni, prospettive , Università di Trento editore.
Digennaro, P. (2020) Subordination or subjection? A study about the dividing line between subordinate work and self-employment in six European legal systems , Labour & Law Issues , 6(1), doi: 10.6092/issn.2421 – 2695/11254.
Murgia, A., Bozzon, R., Digennaro, P., Mezihorak, P., Mondon-Navazo, M., & Borghi, P. (2020) Hybrid Areas of Work between Employment and Self-employment: Emerging Challenges and Future Research Directions , Frontiers in Sociology , Specialty Section: Work, Employment and Organizations, 4, 86. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2019.00086.
Murgia, A., & de Heusch, S. (2020) ‘It started with the artists and now it concerns everyone’: The case of Smart, a cooperative of ‘salaried autonomous workers’ . In S. Taylor & S. Luckman (eds.) Pathways into Creative Working Lives . London: Palgrave.
Borghi, P., & Murgia, A. (2019) Between Precariousness and Freedom: The Ambivalent Condition of Independent Professionals in Italy In W. Conen & J. Schippers (eds.) Self-Employment as Precarious Work: a European perspective . Cheltenham: Elgar.