Pierluigi Digennaro

pierluigi digennaro

Pierluigi Digennaro graduated in Law discussing a thesis awarded with the AIDLASS Barassi Prize for the best thesis of the year in Italy. He then completed a postgraduate specialisation and advanced professional training in HR Management and Industrial Relations afterwards. He gained his PhD in Labour law at the University of Bari, where he also served as a teaching assistant and spent a period at the University College of London as visiting PhD student. He trained as a lawyer and has successfully passed the National Bar Exam.

Pierluigi was an Overseas Researcher under the postdoctoral fellowship of Japan Society for Promotion of Science at the Meiji University of Tokyo. He was a visiting researcher at the Waseda University (Tokyo) and the University of Amsterdam. Two of his research projects on the topic of placement and discrimination at the workplace of persons with disabilities received funds in Italy and Japan. He worked on several other topics, such as religious discrimination on the workplace, trade unions rights, strikes and conflict, and judge-made law. His approach includes analytical, comparative and qualitative methods.

As a member of the SHARE team, in July 2019, Pierluigi started working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan. Within the SHARE project, he was in charge of legal analysis. He is still at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan as post-doctoral researcher within the I.TEC.O. (Technological Innovation As Opportunities) project.

List of publications

Email: pierluigi.digennaro@unimi.it