Annalisa Murgia

annalisa murgia

Annalisa Murgia is Associate Professor in Sociology at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Milan, where she is also the Scientific Coordinator of the research centre GENDERS. Prior to this, she was Associate Professor at the Work and Employment Relations Division of the Leeds University Business School (2017-2018), where she is currently Visiting Senior Research Fellow.

She is the Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant project SHARE – ‘Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Representing self-Employment’ (2017-2022). In 2015-2016, she was the Scientific coordinator of the European FP7 project GARCIA – ‘Gendering the Academy and Research: Combating career Instability and Asymmetries’ at the Department of Sociology and Social Research of the University of Trento. In 2012-2013, she worked at the Université de Louvain (UCL) with a Marie Skłodowska Curie Incoming Fellowship.

Her research interests lie in sociological qualitative and ethnographic studies. The lines of research around which her current scientific production is articulated are oriented in three main directions. The first area of interest explores the role of subjectivity in shaping individual biographies, paying specific attention to precarious workers. The second line of research lies in the debate on the construction of gender differences in organisations. The third research area investigates the organising of solo self-employed workers and emerging forms of coalition in relation to the current crisis of traditional models of representation.

Annalisa is part of AcademiaNet, the Expert Database of Outstanding Women Academics. She is currently a member of the editorial board of the journals ‘Organization’, ‘Work, Employment and Society’, ‘Studi Organizzativi’ and ‘Politics. Rivista di studi politici’.

List of publications
